Applications come in daily for positions posted for our company and aside from over and under qualified candidates, desired wage amounts, and distance from the job there is one additional reason you may be disqualified from consideration. It's a disastrous entity if forgotten may impede any and all attempts at having a fighting chance for a decent paying wage.
Spell check.
Today Marcia came from her office voicing her frustration,
"Why don't applicants have someone proof-read their resumes before they send them out??"
Me screeching from my desk as if I were involved in a Baptist Sunday morning sermon "AMEN!"
Being that was all the encouragement she needed in order to share, she exited her office with resume in hand and started reading aloud,
"Well apparently he's good at 'costumer' service, so that's great" Bright fantastic images of flamboyant Elton John-like people flashed in my head, however we're not exactly looking for that attribute to fill this particular phone job. She goes on to read a few additional points that make us chuckle until nearing the end where the applicant put,
"....and I led the team astray" where my boss scratched her head and I collapsed into the nearest chair overcome by giggling, snorting, and smacking of my thigh. Marcia was genuinely perplexed and concerned by this statement, however Jan and I were crossing our legs to prevent the urine from leaking with the pressure of the laughter we were experiencing. Marcia says,
"What do you think he meant by that? I mean, I can't really even piece together what he was trying to say with the statement 'led the team astray?!" Jan and I were unable to answer or contribute our foresight due to the howling and cackling that was instead taking place. I akin the sound to a pack of dogs baying at a full moon.
One of our co-workers came back and was shared the story which added to the noise level in our area when she contributed "I love when people put their personal emails for job postings!" And started listing some funny ones, when I chime in with,
"How about the one I got a few months back? His name was Richard and I had to call to confirm if he got the word survey I sent him and didn't even look at his email before dialing. Went to make sure I had the right email on file and stopped short when I got there and decided spelling it out would be less embarrassing." Picture their hilarity when I mimicked myself in the phone call.
"Hi Richard, this is Mandy and I'm just calling to follow up on the word survey I sent, did you get it? No? Okay, I sent it to (big long pause where only my breathing can be heard as it's processing like molasses what needs to be verbalized).ummm, lemme' spell it, b-i-g-d-i-c-k-6-9-6-9 at blah blah dot com?" Yeah. With a straight face folks. My job provides a constant source of entertainment. For everyone.
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